Saturday, February 20, 2010

New Prayer card

Our new prayer cards have been ordered, and we are amazed at how much Hannah and Samuel have grown since the last one was taken! Can you believe they are 12 and 9 years old? We can't! Where does time go?
It is exciting and hard to believe that they will, Lord willing, be celebrating their birthdays this year in Costa Rica! We are getting closer each day to meeting our funding goal and are overwhelmed with thankfulness for your partnership with us.

Here are our newest prayer requests:
1. Praise the Lord for His faithfulness and for His provision.
2. Pray for us, and for youself, that we would all carry out Christ's calling in our lives with total devotion.
3. Pray that our total funding will come in this spring. We need less than $1,000/mo. faith-promised (for our total term) before we can leave for language school.
4. Pray we can either work out the bugs in our computer or that we can get a new one soon!
5. Pray for Hannah's knee. She had an unfortunate meeting with a tree last month while sledding and sprained it. It is still sore when she is active.
6. Pray for the Mexico ministry team. There is much work to be done and need for more workers to accomplish the task.

OMS has a new name!

Dear Friend of OMS,

We have some exciting news to share:

OMS International becomes One Mission Society

One Lord. One Life. One Calling.

Today, we launch a new name, tagline, logo and mission statement. These changes were designed to help One Mission Society better communicate what we have stood for since our inception in 1901 as The Oriental Missionary Society.

But it is important to note, One Mission Society’s sole reason for existence as a mission organization remains steadfastto see the Gospel of Jesus Christ spread throughout the world and to see God glorified in all that we say and do. This is the command of the Great Commission. This is our “One Mission.”

God has blessed OMS by using us as a tool in His hands for more than 100 years. Today, One Mission Society is seeing, on average, one person come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ every two minutes. In recent years, thousands of new churches have been planted and tens of thousands of people are actively participating in discipleship programs.

These are historic times to be involved in missions. As never before in the history of the Church, One Mission Society is poised to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Make no mistake: the task is huge. OMS recognizes that we are only a small part of the body of Christ and that we join with many other individuals, churches and like-minded Great Commission organizations called and equipped together for One Mission, God’s mission. This is the unity in mission to which all Christians are called in Ephesians 4 by our one God and Father of all.

One Mission Society currently works in 50 countries. We were founded on the principle that the most effective way to share Christ is by training a nation’s people to lead and multiply their churches. That principle still fully applies today and is the basis of our dynamic four-fold focus: intentional evangelism, church planting, training leaders and strategic partnerships.

OMS currently has six international offices from which missionaries are recruited and sent out: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, the United Kingdom and the Untied States. Today, One Mission Society has 430 missionaries and is a member in good standing with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability.

Here is One Mission Society’s new mission statement: By God’s grace, One Mission Society unites, inspires and equips Christians to make disciples of Jesus Christ, multiplying dynamic communities of believers around the world.

David Long

President, One Mission Society