In Mexico, One Mission Society is partnering with the UNIFAM (United Families in Christ) churches to reach Mexicans with the Good News of Jesus. Nick is involved in church planting with various UNIFAM teams throughout the Mexico City area. He is loving it!
We have also been visiting UNIFAM churches as a family. The picture above is of a baptism of new believers in the Coacalco Church. It was a cold day, and we celebrated with those brave enough to get into the water. They are brave for declaring their faith in Jesus, and for stepping into that frigid water! It is a pleasure to minister alongside our Mexican brothers and sisters.
Hannah and Samuel are "jumping" right in to life here, with school and making friends at church and in our neighborhood. We are so proud
of them for how they have adapted to life in Mexico City. It is a huge change from small town PA. They are learning more and more Spanish each day.
Recently, we had a day of church planting training at Sembimex seminary (where we will eventually be teaching). There were around 130 in attendance! We split up in groups to learn more about how the Lord is working around the world through planting house churches. Nick is seeing the result of that first-hand and comes home encouraged each night.
Yep, some days it feels like an uphill climb, surmounting language barriers, cultural differences, traffic and day-to-day issues that we all experience. However, it is worth all of it to serve our Lord.
And, we know we couldn't be here without your faithful prayers and support. Thank you so much.
The UNIFAM churches have a goal of having 2 million house churches, filled with new believers in Christ, throughout Mexico within the next 10 years. Please pray that we meet that goal and even surpass it! All things are possible in Christ.
Here are some of our prayer prayer requests:
1. Pray that many Mexicans will come to know Jesus as Savior and Lord and that the goal of 2 million house churches will be met and surpassed. Only Jesus is the answer to the many problems in Mexico!
2. Pray we each gain fluency in Spanish and can communicate effectively.
3. Pray for ministry opportunities among our neighbors.
4. Pray for safety as we travel in the car, and especially for Nick as he goes out into the city most evenings.
5. Praise the Lord for our adjustment to life in Mexico and pray we continue to adjust more and more each day.