We want to encourage you with some photos. We hope you can see what we see: that we are so blessed to be here in Mexico and that the Lord is doing some wonderful things!
January 29th was the beginning of an exciting week for us. Sunday was the 13th anniversary celebration at La Loma Church and it was truly a celebration. Nick had a great time playing with the worship team for
the first time, and later he gave a small vibraphone concert. The best part of the concert for Nick was when everyone sang along to one of our favorite songs, then the worship team joined him and we all sang it again.
Here is a photo of Pastor Miguel, Nick and me (Lisa)
explanation of a piece of music he wrote before he played,
and Pastor Miguel was there to help us as well. And, yes we had on coats. It can get cold here, and sometimes we find our toes a bit frozen by the time church is over. However, it is worth it and we love being at this church. There was also a touching performance by the children in the church and, of course, a powerful sermon by Pastor Miguel. There were many new visitors at La Loma that day, and several prayed to receive Jesus as their Savior.
Nick, Pastor Miguel and many others left later that afternoon for a 3 day planning retreat with the church planting teams. Here are a few photos taken during their time together. It was a very encouraging and productive time, and great for team bonding as well.
Our prayer requests for the week:
1. Please pray for all of the people in the picture above who are involved in church planting. Pray that each will have an effective ministry, health, wisdom, strength, integrity and peace.
2. This week has been a bit more difficult for our family health-wise, with the kids picking up various germs from school. Please continue to pray for our health and strength. Praise the Lord we have a good doctor who is also a nutritionist that relates well with our children.
3. Pray for the continued spiritual growth of La Loma Church as they begin to plant new churches in their area. Pray for strength and wisdom for Pastor Miguel as he leads.
4. Please pray for our field leader David, for strength, health, and wisdom. He and his wife, Carol, are wonderful people to be working with.
5. Pray for the rest of our One Mission Society team here in Mexico City: Benito and Robin, Margaret and Leslie and Brenda. At this point, our group is fairly small and there is much work to be done. Pray for health, strength, wisdom and peace for all of us.
As always, thank you for praying for us!