Recently we spent three days in the beautiful state of Morelos, south of Mexico City, for the annual UNIFAM-OMS retreat. It was a great time of fellowship and learning together. Just look at how many of us were there! And some of our co-laborers weren't able to attend or the group would have been even bigger!
The vision of UNIFAM is to plant house churches in each state of Mexico. One conversation with a church planter revealed that he has a burden in his heart to return to his home state in the north to plant churches there among Spanish-speaking and non-Spanish-speaking people. Will you join us in prayer that he will be able to accomplish his vision?
Thank you for standing with us in our efforts to share the hope of Christ in Mexico!
Prayer requests:
1. Please pray that each of us in OMS and UNIFAM will grow in spiritual maturity, be full of the Holy Spirit, people of deep prayer and faith.
2. Pray the Lord will use each one, regardless of age, to spread the Good News of Jesus throughout Mexico.
3. Pray for our field leader David and his wife, Carol, as they have recently moved to another city farther north. Pray they will be able to meet many new people and eventually a new work will be established there.
4. Pray for us as we work alongside those who are about to graduate from the seminary. They are working on their final projects. Please pray each student will be ready to take leadership in the church and that their projects will bless those working in His Kingdom.
5. Pray for our family. We are in transition again, preparing to return to the United States for homeland assignment. It is hard to believe that our two year term is already coming to an end!