As a part of spending time with old friends, we recently were with some PA home school buddies. Part of our time together consisted of the art project above. Each child created a painting and then painted his or her hand to blend in with the artwork...a kind of artistic camo. It seems a good representation of our lives at this point. We have worked diligently to blend ourselves into the brightly colored canvas of Mexico. Now it is time to begin the process of blending into the canvas of our other home, the USA.
Thank you very much for praying for us during this time of transition. Change is not always easy, but it can produce a lovely work of art in our lives.
We are looking forward to sharing with as many as possible about life and ministry in Mexico City, as we adjust to living here while preparing to go back there.
Here are some of our current prayer requests:
1. Praise the Lord for safety in our travels and a good adjustment so far.
2. Please pray for our continued adjustment to our home here while we miss our home in Mexico.
3. Pray for fruitful times of ministry as we meet with churches, home groups and individuals.
4. Pray our support comes in quickly so we can return to Mexico after our year of home ministry assignment (or even sooner if possible).
5. Pray for continued travel safety, health and strength.
6. Pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ in Mexico, that the Word of God would go forth in strength and power.